Metal-Complex Solvent dyes

Primasol Dyes- Metal Complex and Solvent Dyes

This product range comprises of Metal-complex Solvent Dyes, which have a very good solubility in Solvents. These dyes are used in Paints, Enamels, Wood Coatings, Printing Inks, Foil printing and Leather Topcoats.

We are manufacturing Metal-Complex Solvent dyes under the name of ‘Primasol Dyes’. We have selected only specialized dyes, which require expertise in manufacturing. This has led us to have an extensive and comprehensive range of speciality dyes meant for equally specialized applications. We are also manufacturing Solvent Black 29, which is a part of our Primasol range. We have an edge in this product since we are manufacturing the key intermediates in-house. We are, therefore, a popular Metal Complex Solvent Dyes manufacter and supplier in Ahmedabad, India.

Sr. No. Product Name C.I.No.
1 Primasol Black RLI Solvent Black 29
2 Primasol Black RE Solvent Black 27
3 Primasol Black REH Solvent Black 27
4 Primasol Black REV Solvent Black 27
5 Primasol Black RLSN Solvent Black 45
6 Primasol Brown 2RL Solvent Brown 43
7 Primasol Brown GLS Mixture
8 Primasol Fire Red GLS Solvent Red 89
9 Primasol Red 3BLSE Solvent Red 91
10 Primasol Red 2BLSE Solvent Red 122
11 Primasol Red 2BLSE-YR Solvent Red 122
12 Primasol Red G Solvent Red 125
Sr. No. Product Name C.I.No.
13 Primasol Red 2BL Solvent Red 132
14 Primasol Fire Red BL Solvent Red 160
15 Primasol Yellow R Solvent Yellow 82
16 Primasol Yellow 2RLS Solvent Yellow 62
17 Primasol Orange G Solvent Orange 11
18 Primasol Orange RP Solvent Orange 54
19 Primasol Orange RL Solvent Orange 62
20 Primasol Orange R Solvent Orange 99
21 Primasol Blue 2GLN Solvent Blue 48
22 Primasol Blue GL Solvent Blue 70
23 Primasol Dark Violet R -



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